Well, American Idol got off to a rockin’ start last night. Now, as I sat around and watched this with my wife and three daughters, I was thinking to myself, you know what this show is missing? More sex, specifically girls in bikini’s. Well, not to fear because Katrina Darrel soon made her appearance and cured that deficiency. You can watch the video below.
So, judge for yourself, can Ms. Darrell sing? She got the vote of both Cowell and Jackson (but one wonders how objective they were) but the new judge this season, DioGuardi was not too impressed. In fact, Darrell fired back at her and the two got into it with each other. Now, that is something Idol could use more of, half-naked girl cat fights, talk about a ratings winner. Personally, I don’t care much about the signing, I hope we see more of the young Ms. Darrell, or less of her if you know what I mean.
Katrina "Bikini Girl" Darrell — the 20-year-old model who auditioned for "American Idol" in her bikini and made it to Hollywood Week — is stirring controversy.
After Darrell made it through the first round of Hollywood Week last night, which in the past, was no easy feat and separated the mediocre from the great, an "Idol" expert from the smash entertainment program MTV said he’s questioning the producers’ judgment on season 8.
"As an ‘Idol’ fan, I was more angry about those two fools [Darrell and comedian Nick "Norman Gentle" Mitchel] hogging more screen time, when contestants I actually cared about were cut," said resident MTV News "Idol" expert Jim Cantiello. "Hollywood Week is supposed to be ‘Idol’ fans’ gift, after a month of shticky auditions. We watch the audition episodes for the comedy. We watch Hollywood Week for the nail-biting, hair-pulling drama. It’s disappointing that producers got it wrong this year."
Darrell, who we first met in January when she sang Mariah Carey "Vision of Love" in a itsy-bitsy bikini and high heels, is also causing debate among the judges. During the Hollywood round, the new judge Kara DioGuardi said she hated Darrell’s rendition of Faith Hill’s "Breathe" in the end. Cowell made a cat claw motion (with animal sounds) and DioGuardi fired back: "Bring your pole tomorrow." Katrina advanced to the next round.