Hunter Johansson is handsome. Johansson is the twin brother of Scarlett Johansson.
Hunter credited his sister for helping to set him up with dates.Who would have thought this hunk needed help getting dates! Johansson described his sister’s introductions as being beautiful women friends from their school days.
Johansson worked for Barack Obama as a campaign organizer in Denver. Now that the campaign is over, Johansson may be having another job.
Hunter Johansson was named as a “Hot Bachelor” by People magazine. The rag did a “Single and Sexy Men of 2008” feature article and Hunter Johansson was one of the hot bachelors.
Gisele Bündchen and her twin sister, Patricia Bündchen
Gisele Bündchen has a fraternal twin in Patricia who is camera-shy and acts as Gisele’s manager, the highest-paid supermodel in the world.
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