Here are pictures of Kirstie Alley’s weight gain. Kirstie Alley’s weight gain is Oprah’s April 30 topic.
Kirstie Alley’s recent weight gain has gotten the attention of none other than Oprah.
In February 2008, LALATE reported about how Alley announced the launch of her own weight loss company called ASK KIRSTIE.
The bulbous Kristie Alley will appear on Oprah on April 30th to talk about her generous proportions and what keeps her motivated to eat so unhealthily.
Kirstie Alley signed a three-year contract as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig in 2005. After successfully losing about 75lbs, she famously appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show in a skimpy bikini. In the short time since her contract with Jenny Craig ended, Alley has gained back the weight. In 2008, Kirstie Alley was replaced by Valerie Bertinelli as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig.
“As for me, I am from the school of “you may not be able to reinvent the wheel but you can sure try to better it,” which has proven to be a very successful attitude for Michelin tires.
“I had not intended to make this announcement at this time, but after an online PEOPLE magazine article ran last Friday, announcing that I had stepped down as Jenny’s spokesperson, I found myself bombarded with inquiries from the media and fans. So I guess it’s as good of a time as any to announce that I intend to develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009.
“The weight-loss field is wide open and not immune to new ideas and improved solutions for the fat problems that plague many of us Americans every day. I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride. I am especially passionate about seeing to it that our next generations are not struggling with the same weight issues that my generation has struggled with.
“There was a time when America was not fat, and that was in our not-so-distant past. I’m confident that I can create something exciting and innovative: something that if all goes well, will help change a fat America back into a fit America and will offer this country the healthiest, yummiest, easiest and most effective weight-loss program on the market.
“If not, I’ll see you at Central Casting.
“Oh, but hey, don’t “Call Kirstie” just yet. You’ll be on hold too long. Call me next year. “
Yes, and now one year later Oprah is calling … to discuss Kirstie’s weight gain.
So if you want to see how not to gain weight after loosing just tune into Oprah on Thursday.
Please Watch Kirstie Alley Bikini Video below…
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