Unconfirmed reports of a new slew of naughty and nude photos of Vanessa Hudgens are burning up the Web.
Photos of the High School Musical star in her birthday suit first surfaced in 2007 and were supposedly meant for boyfriend Zac Efron's eyes only; however, they quickly made the rounds on the internet.
The pics themselves are pretty uneventful — her boobs haven’t changed much since 2007, but they are more naked pictures of a celebrity, so expect all variations of “Vanessa” “Hudgens” and “Naked” to dominate Google search terms for the next 18 months or so.

Vanessa Hudgens’ has two identifying facial traits - a rounded full nose, and a distinct upper lip. In the photos in which the woman holds a Razor cellphone, the nose is completely wrong, it’s different from that of Hudgens’. The girl holding the Razor cellphone has a ski jump nose unlike that of Vanessa’s.
Ironically, Vanessa recently opened up to Parade magazine about the original photo leak, saying, "That's why I'm extremely guarded. I really do try to watch everything I say. Because one little tiny slip, and it's like the world is coming to an end!"

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