Heidi Dejong Barsuglia is a lobbyist who allegedly slept with Orange County Assemblyman Mike Duvall. Mike Duvall was caught on tape bragging about having sexual relations with two women that were not his wife. Heidi Dejong Barsuglia is one of those women.Now,the Californian State Assembly member Duvall is struggling for his career and for his married life after his extra-marital affairs were exposed.
According to Mail Online, Duvall has been in an affair with a fellow lobbyist Heidi Dejong Barsuglia. Moreover, Duvall is dealing with clients of Heidi Dejong Barsuglia in as he is sits as head of a committee and one may wonder if Mr. Duvall is giving any favors to her client because of the ‘affair’ between the two love-birds.
But how did his malevolent activities get exposed? Ironically enough, Mr. Duvall was talking to another fellow lobbyist who was sitting beside him. Surely, Mr. Duvall didn’t know that the microphone on his dais was switched on for a TV recording of the Assembly session.Unaware of it, Duvall tell his colleague, "She wears little eye-patch underwear. So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!".The ‘secret’ conversation was being recorded by the control engineers and hence Mr. Duvall’s clandestine relationship with Heidi Dejong Barsuglia got leaked.
Michael Duvall is 54 years old and is married with two children.Meanwhile, Heidi Dejong Barsuglia is 18 years his junior, turning 36 this past July.
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