Brooke Hundley who completed her journalism from Ithaca only last year has shown how common is the exploitation of women in the media. Brooke Hundley and Steve Phillips met in St Louis in July 2009 doing ESPN baseball coverage.
“I met Brooke Hundley for the first time on July 13th in St Louis, MO. She is a production assistant for remote game productions for ESPN. For the first time I met her in St Louis over a three week span I had a total of three … encounters with her. Those were the only three times I spent any time alone with her.“

Affairs aren’t usually such a big deal in this day and age, but it’s what happened after Phillips broke off the relationship where things took a turn towards full blown bizarre.
Brooke Hundley is alleged to have taken the dumping badly, and subsequently sent Phillips’ wife Marni a letter describing their relationship — and a birthmark Phillips has on his crotch. A woman scorned perhaps, except that Hundley crashed her car into Phillips’ home after dropping off the letter.
There are a number of Brooke Hundley pictures online, and we picked up some of them.
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