On Wednesday's "The Tyra Banks Show," the supermodel reveals for the first time how she shed weight and got in shape.On the show, Banks reveals that she does not believe in dieting.
Tyra, who has recently proclaimed that she is the healthiest she has ever been, will spend the entire episode helping you get fit, feel happy and live healthy without being super skinny.
"I have been on diets in the past, and they are a bunch of bologna," Banks says.
"This is a lifestyle change. It's not about being skinny. It's about getting in the best shape that you can be."
Tyra is dedicating the entire hour of Wednesday's edition of her Emmy-winning show to providing step-by-step tips on her healthy new lifestyle after being inundated with queries as to how she did it.
Tyra, who calls her measurements her levels, also says she still has maintained her "34DD boobies and her round booty."
Nutritionist Heather Bauer will join Tyra as they cover it all -- from love 'em and leave 'em carbs to "fiber-licious" foods, even which fast-food choice is the best if you're on the go!
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