The wife of NBA star Allen Iverson, Tawanna Iverson, is filing for divorce in a marriage breakdown shock.
Iverson’s wife filed for divorce in Fulton County Superior Court, according to a report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The petition was filed on the same day that the Sixers announced that Iverson would not return to the team this season. The papers filed claimed the marriage is "irretrievably broken".
The couple has five children together, one who is 15 years old and another who is just 17 months of age.Allen Iverson recently ended his NBA season early to be with his sick daughter.
At the time Iverson wrote on Twitter: “I need to be there to hold my little girl’s hand and encourage her to get better. I wanted her to wake up every morning and see her Daddy’s face, at least until she got better. Through God’s Strength, She Will Keep Getting Better!”
Despite all of the troubles, Iverson was voted by fans as a starter for the 2010 All-Star game in Dallas, Texas.
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